Thursday, November 16, 2006

Jovovich-Hawk ROCK

so, i know this is a little dated
not only has Jovovich-Hawk been around for a few years now, but i want to talk about how much i love their fall/winer '06 line (and they've already showed their spring '07 line)
but thus is the plight of a working fashion freak - my miniscule amount of down-time only allows me to catch on a little late
not to say i haven't noticed these two; i certainly have...i just haven't done the research until now
the spring collections dont do it for me as much as fall/winter - im posting my f/w favorites and some other random pieces. i just love the 40's feel, the vintage accessories (the hats are amazing), the general vibe and i LOVE the model they use on their website, i want her bull pierce but my parents say i have to be self-sufficient before i can do that to my face (so i'm biding my time...)
either way, definately two ladies i'd love to chat with (Jovovich and Hawk, that is)

on another note, i LOVE these tsubi overalls, they are absolutely wonderful, Ashley Olsen wore them in her Nylon spread where i first took note of them...don't know that i could fit my pinky finger let alone a thigh in those babies but i can admire from afar (i frequented the tsubi store in ny this summer and they only ever had the teeny tiny sizes, but the sunglasses are great and come in little sock sacks)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

taking the Air Guitar to a new level...

wow. this is possibly the coolest thing i've seen all day. no, no...definately the coolest thing i've seen all day. Australian scientists have actually engineered a shirt that connects to a computer to make the air guitar a sound-producing reality!! imagine the tunes that could have been created by millions of drunken air guitarists had this thing been around earlier! it's pure genius, i tells ya.

and as is pointed out in the blurb, the organization to create such a phenomenon is actually a government organization....hey, at least they're not blowing up middle eastern countries (i much prefer my tax money to go to air guitar technology)

check it out: hopefully the link works...
(long link, put it all together as one address)

this guy knows what i'm talkin about