Saturday, March 29, 2008

sam and cheese

last night the cheese gods were shining on corb and i. i dont know if this is a common known fact that i happened to overlook, but good cheese is really hard to come by in these parts. not to mention, when you do happen to find a delicious brick of cheddar or a nice round of brie (costco aside), it's hella expensive. as foretold in a previous blog, i was at sam last week and a cat peed on my hair. what i didn't mention was that i waited until the following evening to wash it. but that's a whole other story. last night when we went back to sam for a glass of wine, we noticed the people at the next table had a delectable-looking cheese platter. as it turns out, and unsurprisingly, it cost a whopping 18 dollars. as if. so we asked our friend if he could make us a half size tray. he agreed and we were ecstatic. but it only got better. when he brought the tray of cheese (which included, but was not limited to, brie, camembert and smoked gouda) he said it was gratis because the cat 'made my hair wet last week'. i guess it was worth having cat urine in my hair for 24 hours!
speaking of cat urine, the new south park is seriously ridiculous. it has it's moments but i'm just still not sure if enough time has passed for holocaust references... thoughts?


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Good words.