Monday, October 30, 2006

more what...


and MORE PICTURES dammit...

cutest couple ever (the couple that flips you off together stays together....ignore the fact that she looks like his 12 year old daughter)

found these pictures a little while ago, they're from an old abstinence campaign (who the s#@t is dumb enough to believe in abstinence training in this day and age?), pretty wacked...

i mean, sex is all around..........


Unknown said...

jess, i love the pics. more cowbell indeed. How do you upload pics? keep the blogs coming!

jesspollack said...

when you're making a post, at the end of the little symbols for bold, italic, etc. is a little image icon. click it, upload, and PRESTO... sweet, sweet pics

Fern said...

this is no longer WORK SAFE!!
Please warn your dedicated following when you are planning on posting PORN, ya perv.

Unknown said...

ok, i dont know if you noticed or anything but i had a random comment on my blog.....weird.