Thursday, September 18, 2008

Television can be this funny?

I want to take a moment to applaud a television show so funny it hurts. You know that feeling when you laugh so hard your back tenses up and you have to seek refuge from the source to make it stop? It's simultaneously one of the best and worst feelings (kind of like when your foot locks up during sex). That feeling characterizes It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia in a nutshell, and I mean this in a twofold way. First, the show incites recurrent episodes of laughter so hard it hurts (take, for instance, Charlie's All-American rant in the episode "Charlie goes America all over everybody's ass"). Second, the general feeling you get when watching Always Sunny is a hybrid of hilarity and incredible discomfort. There is nothing PC about this show.

The show follows the self-serving exploits of four remarkably self-involved 30 year olds. The three guys own the Irish pub around which the show centers, and the one girl (a twin of one of the guys) is the bartender. From the second season on, Danny Devito joins the cast as the twins' off-the-wall father. I dare not say anymore for fear of ruining anything. All I can say is I haven't had so much fun with my tv since 30 Rock and The Office...only I think Always Sunny takes the cake!

P.S. Charlie is, without a doubt, the funniest character I have ever encountered (apologies, Jack Donaghy).

1 comment:

jesspollack said...

hands down, my favorite charlie moment of all time